AEE - Institute for Sustainable Technologies (AEE INTEC) is a non-university research institute founded
in 1988. AEE INTEC currently employs around 80 researchers from eleven nations and hosts PhD,
master students, bachelor students and interns. AEE INTEC works in the fields of "Buildings", "Cities
and Networks", "Technology Development" and "Industrial Systems" on fundamental and application-
oriented research in national and international R&D projects.
Research project
The bachelor’s thesis is part of the ongoing international collaboration effort within IEA SHC Task 69 ( AEE INTEC leads the Austrian participation of the Task and Subtask A of
the international project. The purpose of the Task is to investigate which technologies are the most
appropriate now and into 2030 for solar-derived hot water, considering the full spectrum of global
economic development and focusing on solar thermal thermosyphon and PV hot water systems. The
major assignment for AEE INTEC is to compile a report on most dominant solar water heating systems
and state-of-the-art reviews, document success stories, investigate emerging products and analyze
research trends with the help of contributors from around the globe.
Bachelor’s thesis
The focus is on performing an in-depth market analysis of thermosyphon and PV hot water systems
worldwide. This is done in cooperation with international participants of the IEA SHC Task 69.
We offer
We expect
Work plan
Planned duration: 3 months
Start date: March 2023 or asap
Location: Gleisdorf (Austria) / home office
DI Daniel Tschopp, MA BSc
+43 (0) 3112 / 5886-256