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The development of biobased processes is one of the most important pillars for achieving climate goals and resource security in our society. Intelligent, efficient conversion processes and holistic biorefinery concepts are needed to realize the ambitious goals of the Austrian and European bio-economy strategy. At AEE INTEC we are researching the use of new emerging technologies (process intensification) to drastically improve the resource and energy efficiency of biobased processes through continuous processes, low process volumes, higher yields and reduced use of valuable catalysts and reactants. AEE INTEC/The group offers wood-, agro- and residue-based industrial biorefineries experimental studies on the use of membrane processes and "oscillating flow bioreactors" as key technologies, as well as holistic optimization concepts to enable resource-based biorefineries to achieve an efficient and renewable energy supply.

Selected application examples include biomass dissolution for the production of pure fractions of cellulose fibres, lignin and hemicelluloses from the pulp and paper industry as well as the optimized extraction of high-purity proteins from food waste.

Portrait Bettina  Muster

DIin Dr.in Bettina Muster

Head of units Water and Process Technologies