AEE – Institute for Sustainable Technologies (AEE INTEC) is an independent research association that was founded in 1988. Over 70 employees from 10 different nations are currently working at AEE INTEC. Furthermore, the institute regularly awards dissertations, master theses and internships.
The activities of AEE INTEC include: fundamental as well as applied research
The three major departments of AEE INTEC are “Thermal Energy Technologies and Hybrid Systems”, “Buildings and Renovation” as well as “Industrial Processes and Energy Systems”.
Research Project
The overall aim of BuildUPspeed is to accelerate the volume and depth of deep renovation of the EU building stock, supporting the EU renovation wave, by introducing and implementing a Market Activation Platform, specifically for the promotion and implementation of industrialized renovation solutions. BuildUPspeed builds upon and capitalizes the results and outcomes from relevant and related H2020 projects on deep renovation, specific projects and actions on prefabrication, BIM adaption for renovation and industry 4.0. Moreover, BuildUPspeed will build upon the legacy, the approach and the results of several chapters of the Energiesprong’.
Outline of the Master-Thesis
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DI Dr. Cornelia Ninaus
+43 3112/5886-319