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All projects


© Euros Energy

TREASURE - Demonstration of 7 large pit thermal energy storages in 5 european countries

Large pit thermal energy storages are needed to render district heating systems full flexibility with renewable heat coming from a variety of sources. Improved efficiency, lowered costs and shorter realisation time will improve the market uptake of these storages.

© Armin Knotzer, AEE INTEC

SRI Demo - Demonstration of intelligent building technologies and support of the Austrian SRI test phase

The project supports the analysis and introduction of the Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI) in Austria using demonstration buildings and provides scientific support for the Austrian test phase.

© Herbert Piereder, Lumenion GmbH

Lumenion feasibility study - Steel storage as a flexible and renewable steam storage and generation technology in a brewery

How can the entire energy demand of a brewery, i.e. steam as well as electricity and hot water, be sourced from renewable sources and as flexibly as possible?

© University of Twente, Devrim Yazan

IS2H4C - Hubs for circularity applying industrial symbiosis and cooperative approach to heavy industrialized clusters and surrounding ecosystems

In the project the focus lies on technology development and demonstration for CO2 emission reduction and recycling in four European industrial hubs. AEE INTEC is focussing on membrane distillation for the recovery of valuable substances from industrial wastewater.

© iStock

S-GeoHeat - Shallow-geothermal sourced low-temperature district heating

As part of the ERA-Net SES project "S-GeoHeat", AEE INTEC is designing a low-temperature district heating network for the cities of Havza and Ladik in Turkey by integrating geothermal energy and industrial waste heat.

© iStockFoto Fokusiert

Fossil Phase Out - Strategic Planning of heating networks in a holistic way

Within the "Fossil Phase Out" project, a guideline is being developed to provide municipalities, cities, and regions, particularly climate and energy model regions, with instructions for a systematic expansion and decarbonization of district heating networks.


Fossilfree4Industry - Phase out of fossil gas for the industry

The flagship project uses five large-scale, prototype model solutions and concrete implementations to test the phase-out of fossil fuels for industry

© WIP GmbH & Co Planungs-KG

SUPPORT DHC - Supporting a fast implementation of low-grade renewable energy and waste heat for district heating and cooling

The overall objective of the SUPPORT DHC project is to support a fast implementation of low-grade renewable energy and waste heat for district heating and cooling in Europe.

© AEE  INTEC / Cornelia Ninaus

CircCon - Circular construction - Refurbishment of the building stock in line with EU taxonomy

As part of the research project, standardized processes for EU taxonomy-compliant renovations of the Austrian building stock are being developed based on five reference projects.

© Adobe Stock

NextGES - Next Generation Energy Services for Intelligent Buildings and Energy Systems

In the NextGES project, energy services "Monitoring & Visualization", "Automatic Fault Diagnosis" and "Model Predictive Control" are planned to be developed by using physical and machine learning methods under the user-centred design.

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