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Development of an interactive vocational Web training tool for the take-off of the buildings DIRECTIVE 2002/91/EC (EEBD)

Besides the technical abilities to implement energy efficiency in an economically reasonable way, it is particular important to have qualified employees (from planners to building operators) available.

The goal of this project is thereby to develop an internet based information and training platform, which should make it possible for experts to better understand and implement the EU-building and the national directives. Further, know-how should be gathered on how to plan, implement and operate a building in an energy efficient way. The training tool and the information should be available in German, English and French.

The following steps are planned to reach the defined goals:

- Identification of the need of necessary information for the single target groups in the different European regions

- Creation of an overview over the presently available training material and offered trainings in the different European regions

- Development of a web database with the essential training documents and offered trainings in the different European regions

- Evaluation of the web database in cooperation with training institutes, universities and finally with selected user representatives of the web database

- Completion and dissemination of the web database after analysing the evaluating results

- Implementation of test trainings, among other things online trainings

- Miscellaneous dissemination activities: workshops, information folders and brochures, emails, website, etc.

The target groups should be integrated in the above mentioned steps in the project contents to optimise the project results. The target groups are traditional training institutes during the state-of-the-art analysis of offered trainings, trainers, who evaluate the training tools during the development phase and finally the users of the final training tool (architects, planners, facility managers, energy consultant, …). The utilisation of the tool should be offered free of charge.


Europäische Union, DG TREN, 2005

Project partner

TEICRETE - Technological Educational Institute of Crete (Greece)

UOA - National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece)

BRE - Building Research Establishment Ltd (United Kingdom)

ULR - Université de La Rochelle (France)

BYTE S.A. (Greece)

RHEVA - Federation of European heating and air-conditioning associations

REAC - Region of Crete - Regional Energy Agency of Crete (Greece)

BSREC – Black Sea Region Energy Centre (Black Sea region countries)

BulSHRAE - Bulgarian Society of Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning Engineers (Bulgaria)


Presentation of the project "Development of an interactive vocational Web training tool for the take-off of the buildings DIRECTIVE 2002/91/EC"

Präsentation und Newsletter

zum Projekt "Internetbasierende Informationsplattform für Fachkräfte zur Umsetzung der Gebäuderichtlinie"

WORKSHOP zum Projekt "Internetbasierende Informationsplattform für Fachkräfte"

Vorträge zum Workshop „Energieausweis als Chance für Energieeffizienz und Nachhaltigkeit im Bauwesen“ am 28. August 2007 in Graz.

