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Ecological Building Retrofit Conference 2007

Die AEE INTEC und die Stadt Weiz veranstalteten im Weizer Kunsthaus vom 10. – 12. Oktober 2007 die internationale Tagung „Ökologische Gebäudesanierung für großvolumige Gebäude“.

250 Bau-ExpertInnen und EntscheidungsträgerInnen aus 17 Nationen kamen aus diesem Grund in die oststeirische Bezirkshauptstadt Weiz.

Solar Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration IEA SHC Task 38

The goals of the IEA SHC Task 38 “Solar Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration” are the development and testing of pre-engineered systems of solar heating and cooling in small size. Further goals are the development and testing of specially designed solar air-conditioning and refrigeration systems for non-residential buildings as well as the development of new components for solar cooling systems.

Solar Combi+

- Identification of most promising markets and promotion of standardised system configurations for the market entry of small scale combined solar heating & cooling applications.

The aim of the Solar Combi+ project is to take newly commercially available small-scale sorption chillers and promote standardised Solar Combi+ systems for small applications (residential, catering, small commercial and office buildings, up to a cooling demand of 20kW).

New Energy for Old Buildings

New4Old promoted the integration of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies into historic buildings, and initiated the creation of a network of Renewable Energy Houses in the different Member States of the European Union.

SQUARE - A System for Quality Assurance when Retrofitting Existing Buildings to Energy Efficient Buildings

The QA system should cover both retrofitting and maintenance, since experience shows that a successful energy improvement retrofit will be permanent only if use of the building is guided by effective routines and increase of competence of all parties.

To achieve the intended results of the retrofit requires knowledge, continuity and communication that can be assured by a dynamic and flexible quality assurance (QA) system that describes a systematic and controlled way of working in each country.

HIGH COMBI – High Solar Fraction Heating and Cooling Systems with Combination of Innovative Components and Methods

The EU project HIGH COMBI aims at development and demonstration of solar thermal heating and cooling systems with high solar fraction. Especially in office buildings, where in the summer period domestic hot water load is typically very small but cooling load is high, solar cooling is a perfect match to a solar heating system.

SOLAIR – Increasing the market implementation of solar air conditioning systems for small and medium applications in residential and commercial buildings

In most European countries the electricity consumption for air-conditioning is increasing dramatically and it is expected an increasing by a factor of 5 in 2020. Under these conditions the use of solar thermal energy for air-conditioning in buildings has a huge unexploited potential.

Nachhaltige Siedlungswasserwirtschaft - Praktische Anwendungen (NASPA)

Vor allem für ländliche Streusiedlungen ist die zentrale Abwasserentsorgung, wie sie in Ballungszentren üblich ist, nicht zwangsweise die ökologisch und ökonomisch günstigste Variante. Im Hinblick auf eine verantwortungsvolle Nutzung und Schonung unserer natürlichen Ressourcen wurde auch die Notwendigkeit zur Förderung nachhaltiger Systeme in der Siedlungs­wasserwirtschaft erkannt. Aus Mangel an Erfahrungen wurden in Österreich bisher nur wenige solche Systeme umgesetzt...

Solarkampagne "SPAR mit SOLAR"

Als Reaktion auf die steigenden Energiepreise und um den steirischen Häuslbauern die Installation einer Solaranlage für die Warmwasserbereitung und Raumheizung zu erleichtern lädt Ing. Manfred Wegscheider, Landesrat für Erneuerbare Energien in der Steiermark, im Rahmen von „SPAR mit SOLAR“ zu kostenlosen Informationsveranstaltungen in der ganzen Steiermark ein..

Ecological Building Retrofit Conference 2005

a review of the international conference and exhibition, October 13th - 15th 2005 in Weiz, Austria

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